"Thank you everybody for making the AAR16New York Conference a great success!. ♦ ♦ ♦ Thank you everybody for making the AAR16New York Conference a great success!."

Global Business Research Journals

Online International (Double-Blind Peer Reviewed) Research Journals


First American Academic Research Conference on Global Business, Economics, Finance and Social Sciences

AAR16New York Conference

Theme: Facing the Economic Challenges! Strategies for Success!!

Conference Dates: May 25-28, 2016

Venue: Wagner College, One Campus Road, Staten Island, NY 10301 U.S.A.

New York, USA.

ISBN - 978-1-943579-50-1

Conference Feedback


Keynote Speaker


Keynote Speaker

Prof. Mary Lo Re,
Wagner College,

Guest of Honor

Keynote Speaker

Dr. Lily D. McNair,
Provost and Senior Vice
President, Academic Affairs,
Wagner College, USA.

Invited Lecture

Topic : “Research Update on Online Customer Service”

Keynote Speaker

Prof. Mahmood Awan,
SolBridge International School of
Business, Korea (South).

Invited Lecture

Topic : "Sovereign Credit Ratings and their Impact on Global Markets"

Keynote Speaker

Dr. Saurav Roychoudhury,
Capital University,

Invited Lecture

Topic : “Employee Motivation: Effective Strategies to Increase Workplace Productivity"

Keynote Speaker

Dr. Robert C. Schneider,
State University of New York,

Panel Discussion

May 26, 2016 at 11.00 am

Topic : “Did the PIIGS Create the Werewolf of Wolfsburg?
V.W's. Moral Hazard Becomes the Shareholder Dilemma"


Dr. Shani Carter,
Wagner College, USA.

Dr. Donald L. Crooks,
Wagner College, USA.

Mr. Ian Wise,
Wagner College, USA.

Mr. Edward Strafaci,
Wagner College, USA.


Dr. Elango Rengasamy,
The British University in Dubai,
Dubai, UAE.


Dear & Esteemed Colleagues,

Warm greetings!

We are delighted to inform you that the First American Academic Research Conference on Global Business, Economics, Finance and Social Sciences is being jointly organized by the prestigious SDMIMD, Mysore, Karnataka State, India and the Global Business Research Journals (GBRJ) from May 25-28, 2016 in New York, USA.

You are cordially invited to submit your research manuscripts/case studies in all areas in business studies, economics, finance, accounting, management, sustainability and social sciences. In addition to paper presentations and discussions, the upcoming conference will include invited lectures on contemporary topics in emerging trends in Global Business and Social Science research.

Important Dates!

Abstract/Full Paper Submission Deadline : April 10, 2016 May 8, 2016
Communication of Acceptance : 5 days
Last Date for Registration : April 20, 2016 May 15, 2016
Conference Dates : May 25-28, 2016


Conference Objectives!

Economic Success through Synergy!

Economic prosperity, growth and development can be quite successful only if there is a ‘synergy’ among the different players in a country, which includes banks, financial institutions, government entities, regulators and other arms of the government. Understandably, presence of ‘synergy’ among different stakeholders and players would be a major driving force to give a fresh fillip to the economic activities of a nation. Many economies, unfortunately, struggle owing to the absence of this significant phenomenon.

Tackling the Economic Challenges! The Way Forward!!

The world is facing many economic challenges and issues. Increasing government debts, regional economic imbalances, geo-political challenges, highly volatile global banking & financial system, sovereign debt in select European economies, environmental concerns and their impact on economic activities and trade, trade policies that are not conducive to business, migration of people from Asian & African countries are some of the disturbing developments currently being faced by the mother earth, today. To address these issues and challenges, the global community should make a coordinated effort for removing all the barriers and hindrances, on the path. Job creation and food security should be accorded top priority as these two have far-reaching ramifications if, unattended. Initiating dialogue with all the concerned stakeholders would go a long way in ensuring sustainable progress and economic development in the long-run. Health, environment, housing, transport and other infrastructure-related projects should be executed in a phased-manner, by each country. Banking and financial systems should be immune to economic and financial turmoil as these institutions are the major ‘catalysts’ for growth and development. Global trade and commerce should be conducted on a fair scale and the markets should offer a conducive environment and level playing field for the business community. After all, any common problem should be tackled by a coordinated effort with active support from the global community.

Against this background, the upcoming conference is being organized in New York, USA in order to achieve the following objectives:

a) Identify and analyze the major economic issues that need to be addressed immediately, in order to create a new and peaceful world;

b) Undertaking meaningful research activities on the above issues so that we create a new world order through synergy;

c) Provide an ideal platform for researchers, economists, bankers and practitioners to network and share their research and practical experiences to develop models and systems for addressing the global economic issues; and

d) Suggest innovative solutions to the above issues, in the days to come.


Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD) Mysore, Karnataka

Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD), ranked among the top Business Schools in India, is located at the foot of Chamundi Hills in the heritage city of Mysore, Karnataka. The campus has won many architectural and landscape awards and provides a great environment for learning and germination of managerial intellect. The institute has been conferred A** Rating at National Level by CRISIL.

The institute is promoted by the Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheswara Educational Trust - a premier non-profit educational organisation functioning under the aegis of Shree Kshetra Dharmasthala, which is known for its unique embodiment of Dharma. Today, SDME Trust has more than 40 recognised educational institutions under its wings, imparting quality education from the primary level to the postgraduate level. Trust is known for the professional institutions in Medical, Dental, Engineering, Naturopathy, Ayurveda, Law, Business Management and Physiotherapy. The trust and all the associate institutions benefit from the visionary leadership of our Chairman, Padma Bhushan Dr. D. Veerendra Heggade, Dharmadhikari of Dharmasthala.

SDMIMD’s AICTE approved PGDM programme, accredited by NBA, runs for six terms over two years with an impeccable track record of academic rigor. SDMIMD also has Student Exchange Programs with the MAYS School of Business, Texas A&M; University, USA; Global Management Institute of Shanghai University, China; and British University in Dubai, Dubai. These student exchange programmes enable students to understand each other’s cultures, business practices and traditions. This gives students an edge when it comes to international opportunities.

The SDMIMD’s research unit - SDM Research Centre for Management Studies’ (SDM RCSM), publications ‘Cases in Management’, ‘Contemporary Research in Management’, ‘Excerpts of Select Summer Internship Reports’, have come in for praise from the world of academics. The institute’s journal ‘SDMIMD Journal of Management’ indexed in EBSCO and iScholar has evolved as a prestigious publication well known for the quality of the papers, therein.

To know more about SDMIMD please visit: www.sdmimd.ac.in