Taiwan Conference

December 21-23, 2017
Taipei–Taiwan ROC - AP17Taiwan Conference
Sixteenth Asia-Pacific Conference on Global Business, Economics, Finance and Social Sciences
Theme : Global Challenges & Opportunities! Charting the Course!!
Venue : Will be announced, later.
Fee : US$350

Taiwan Conference

December 21-23, 2017
Taipei–Taiwan ROC - IC17Taiwan Conference
Seventeenth International Conference on Investor Protection & Risk Management
Theme : Ensuring Higher Ethical Standards, Integrity & Professionalism!
Venue : Will be announced, later.
Fee : US$350

For further details, please visit our website:


Our Academic Partners:

Our Principal Academic Partner: Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD), Site No. 1, Chamundi Hill Road, Siddarthanagar Post, Mysore - 570 011.


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Contact Address
Ms. Dhanam
Conference Secretary & Events Coordinator,
J. A. Alpha Business Research & Publishers Pvt. Ltd.,
No. 3, Ganesh Nagar 1st Street,
Mittanamelli, Avadi IAF,
Chennai-600 055,
Tamil Nadu. India.
Landline: +91 44 26840639
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