International Review of Research in Emerging Markets and the Global Economy (IRREM), is a double-blind peer reviewed open access online monthly journal. It provides a unique platform to academicians and practitioners to share their research findings in the areas of international economics, international finance, international financial institutions, global trade, WTO, Global Economy, Regional Economic Blocks, Euro Currency Area, Emerging Markets, Frontier Markets, Developed, the Third World economy and other related areas. Researchers can publish their original, innovative and globally relevant research articles in our journal. They must take real issues and throw empirical insights into them and make concrete and practical suggestions. The researchers may lay an exclusive focus on EU (European Union), BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) and MIKT (Mexico, Indonesia, South Korea and Turkey), GCC (Gulf Cooperation Council) and the countries which fall under the Frontier Markets. The economies of these countries have made a phenomenal growth in the recent years. These markets have proved that they can make significant economic gains in the current aggressive global market scenario. This is a very important and interesting development which occurs at a critical juncture. Many of the Western and part of the Southern European countries are still struggling to wriggle out of the economic recession.
Dr. Seda Durguner
Faculty of Finance and Business Economics,
University of Southern California, USA.
Dr. Kanibhatti Nitirojntanad
Department of Accountancy,
Chulalongkorn University, Thailand.
Dr. Elzbieta Babula
Faculty of Economics,
University of Gdansk, Poland.
Dr. Petro Maziku
Department of Business Administration,
College of Business Education, Tanzania.
Dr. Sena Durguner
Faculty of Finance and Business Economics,
University of Southern California, USA.